Yellow skeleton left turn drawings

Yellow skeleton left turn drawings.
Yellow skeleton left turn. Drawings: Oil pastel on paper and cardboard with red cardboard arrow.

I’ve moved the drawings away from the wall and out into free space. This is the most 3-dimensional of my drawings so far.

I plan to do a lot more of this; combining ideas I’ve had in the past, like cardboard arrows, with my object drawings.

Here the skeleton is turned to it’s left, the action is illustrated by the red cardboard arrow.

Number banners animations

[youtube=] I made these banners 15 years ago;  how time flies. I used them to mark out situations, and then experimented with cardboard arrows in an attempt to animate some life into the banners.

They were in a show at VOID gallery, London and in a small space in Digbeth, Birmingham.

It’s only in the past few years that computer technology has made it easy to convert a series of images into an animation, so I created this video from scanned prints and photos.

Number banner situations

Number banners animations

[youtube=] I made these banners 15 years ago;  how time flies. I used them to mark out situations, and then experimented with cardboard arrows in an attempt to animate some life into the banners.

They were in a show at VOID gallery, London and in a small space in Digbeth, Birmingham.

It’s only in the past few years that computer technology has made it easy to convert a series of images into an animation, so I created this video from scanned prints and photos.

Number banner situations

Number banners animations

I made these banners 15 years ago;  how time flies. I used them to mark out situations, and then experimented with cardboard arrows in an attempt to animate some life into the banners.

They were in a show at VOID gallery, London and in a small space in Digbeth, Birmingham.

It’s only in the past few years that computer technology has made it easy to convert a series of images into an animation, so I created this video from scanned prints and photos.

Number banner situations