Update: Yellow Banana skins, Rose trees & Forge glove drawings

Here’s some updates to partially-finished work and another version of yellow banana skins – a previous version is on display at LAPIEZA in Madrid.

The Rose bush drawings are mounted on a single white board, intended to blend into a white wall as are the Forge glove drawings, which show the disintegration of the welding gloves.

Rose tree drawings

Yellow Banana skin drawings

Forge glove drawings

Here yellow skeleton and sack trolley drawings are combined.
This is now a lot more about physical objects than flat drawings.
The objects are drawn life-size from an anatomical plastic human skeleton and a sack trolley, using a stick of black oil pastel straight on to white and yellow cartridge paper.
Each drawing is mounted onto cardboard and cut-out.

Russian gas mask drawings

The filter canister is detachable and so effectively a separate object to the mask, and so I drew it separately.
The masks are drawn with white oil pastel on black paper and the canisters with black on yellow paper. All of the drawings are cut-out on thrown-away cardboard and elevated away from the wall.

LAPIEZA: Relational cloud – drawings of junk art objects

While displaying ready-made works, yellow banana skins and black and white banana skins,  I drew some of the junk art objects in the gallery and 2 items (crash helmet and gloves) provided by visitors.

– images courtesy of LAPIEZA, Madrid.

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